About us
European Grouping of Territorial Cooperation was established in 2013. The establishment of the European Grouping of Territorial Cooperation Via Carpatia is based on the current EU and Slovak legislation. It is the result of the cooperation between two regions connected by their common historical and cultural-linguistic traditions. The European Grouping of Territorial Cooperation Via Carpatia is aimed at enhancing economic and social cohesion among its members through the implementation of cross-border projects and programs.
Goals of the EGTC Via Carpatia
1. Consultation in the field of regional development like:
- Elaboration of the common development strategies.
- Elaboration and implementation of joint projects for the realization of common development strategies.
- Initiatives leading to the management of the cross-border cooperation programs funded by the EU fund for the purpose of the implementation of the joint development strategies.
- Integration in the field of health care, road and passenger transport, municipal waste, flood risk management, environmental protection, bike trails, viticulture – area of Tokaj, energy supply, creation of cross border logistic and industrial zones, risk management and investment support.
2. A common approach in the field of redirecting the international good flows
- Initiatives leading to the recovery of the intermodal transport.
- Initiatives leading to building up the Transit Route Via Carpatia.
Strategic goals of the EGTC Via Carpatia
- Activities leading to the integration of the Transit Route Via Carpatia into TEN-T network, the main transport network of the European Union – corenetwork.
- Improve the branding of the EGTC Via Carpatia as a main institution serving for the support of cross border cooperation in the territory of its members.
- Support of small and medium enterprises in order to unify the territory trough active cross border cooperation – border as a tool of development.
- Support and protection of common natural, cultural and historical heritage of Košice Region and Boršod-Abaúj-Zemplén County.